Dr. Daniel J. Drucker is an Endocrinologist and Professor of Medicine in the Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto. Dr. Drucker received training in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology from the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore and the Toronto General Hospital, University of Toronto and completed a research fellowship in Molecular Endocrinology (1984-87) with Dr. J. Habener at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Drucker established his own laboratory research program in 1987 in Toronto.  Google Scholar Profile

NIH Biosketch for Daniel J Drucker and a Curriculum Vitae

The Drucker laboratory is located in the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute (LTRI), Mount Sinai Hospital, in downtown Toronto immediately adjacent to the downtown University of Toronto campus. 

The laboratory carries out studies of the physiology of gut peptides, encompassing the mechanisms controlling their bioactivty, with a focus on glucagon and the glucagon-like peptides and their receptors. An updated summary of recent Research from the Drucker Laboratory is maintained on an ongoing basis, as is a list of recent Drucker lab publications and Drucker Lab Reagents. The laboratory is comprised of research technicians, research associates, and Research fellows appointed to the Department of Medicine at the University of Toronto.

An overview of the science pursued in the Drucker lab research program is summarized in the NN Foundation EASD 2019 Award brochure

Research in the Drucker lab is funded by grants from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research For additional information about research opportunitiesr postdoctoral research fellows, contact Dr. D. Drucker

Disclosure: Dr. Drucker maintains this Website and is responsible for Website content. Dr. Drucker has served as a consultant or speaker within the past 12 months to Amgen, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Kallyope, Merck Research Laboratories, Novo Nordisk Inc., and Pfizer Inc. Neither Dr. Drucker or his family members hold issued stock directly or indirectly in any of these companies. DJD holds non-exercised options in Kallyope. GLP-2 is the subject of a patent license agreement between Takeda Inc and the University of Toronto, Toronto General Hospital (UHN) and Daniel Drucker.